Summary of newspapers of the previous days – 29.12.2008 – 4. 1. 2009
05.01.2009 | Agris
This year in stables without
So without BSE...we have passed the first year without findings of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, the mad cow disease. Despite all prognoses that a risk of disease is still big and fathomless it showed that to adopt and keep strict safety measures had a cardinal importance. It meant a ban of use of bone-meal flours in feeding of farm animals, especially ruminants, as well as a consequential removal of so called risky material, i.e. nervous issues.
Incomes of company Váhala increased to 550 million crowns
Incomes from sale of goods, own products and services of a company Váhala a spol., which is an important producer of meat and delicatessen products in Moravia, increased by 5,4 percents to 550,4 million crowns. The firm from Hustopeče nad Bečvou created a net profit 13,5 million crowns last year; in 2006 it was 9,5 million crowns. ČTK obtained the information from the company´s annual report of. The family farm from Hustopeče succeeded to gross up the production by about five percents to 6226 tons of products last year.
Euro: This year will end for Czech agriculture with profit 7 – 9 billion
This year will end for Czech agriculture with profit 7 – 9 billion. It was published by a server Euro online with a reference to estimations of statistics from the Czech Statistic Office today. It is dealt with a worse result than last year when farmers showed a record profit of more than 13 billion CZK, however, still it means a future profit. A rich harvest of cereals was thrust down by lower prices but subsidies increased again significantly. “Subsidies increased by about four billion crowns from last year´s 21 billion”, Euro cited Jiří Hrbek, a director of agricultural statistics of the Czech Statistic Office. A value of agrarian production is according to first estimations approximately the same as last year when it reached 120 billion crowns.
Director of Lesy ČR was named Svatopluk Sýkora
The Minister of Agriculture Petr Gandalovič named to the 1st of January 2009 the general director of s.p. Lesy ČR (LČR) Svatopluk Sýkora. Sýkory has worked as an administrative director of LČR till this time. “I want to maintain a continuity of management of Lesy České republiky, therefore I named the general director Svatopluk Sýkora who proved managerially as the administrative director. The present director Jiří Novák would work at the Ministry on at the position of Deputy Minister of forest management division”, Petr Gandalovič said. The present director Jiří Novák works at the Ministry of Agriculture at the position of Deputy Minister of forest management division from 1.1.2009.
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