Summary of newsmakers from the previous days 7.10.-9.10. 2005

Three cases of bird flu in Romania

Three new cases of bird flu appeared in ducks in Romanian village Smardan in Danube delta. The dangerous virus was brought here by vagrants from Russian inland. Veterinarians found out the first case of contamination in a municipality Caemurlia de Jos. A main Romanian veterinatian Ion Agafitei announced that offices have already liquidated two hundred domestic ducks from surroundings of the first focus of the disease. “The process will continue further”, he added.

Regions do not want redistribution of European money by state

At the yesterday´s negotiation of a council of the Association of regions commissioners came to an agreement that they do not wish so that money, which will come from the structural funds of the European Union in the Czech Republic in a planning period 2007 - 2013, were redistributed by the state. According to the chairmen of the Associations council, the commissioner of the Moravian-Silesian region Evžen Tošenovský, it was supported by the Ministry for Regional Development. On the contrary the Ministry of Finances prefers other operational program, through which the money would go to particular projects. “The reason is mainly a simplification and a better controllability of financial flows”, Veronika Hovorková from the press department explained a position of the Ministry of Finances.

Taking into custody happened in Germany due to outdated meat

One day, this year in March police appeared in front of a door of the local supermarket Real in Saxony town Laatzen. When the investigators entered, they seized parcels with portioned meat in which the expiration data were outdated. The police traced up it thanks to a video record of one of the employees of the supermarket who did not want longer to be a participant of often cases of expiration data falsification. Only thirty kilometers farther than the police caught butchers of Real red-handed - they took them in to custody in the moment when they opened 50 parcels with outdated meat and started to mill it and pack again. In the end the raid enlarged also in the central in Real in Mönchengladbach and ten people were accused of breaking of law.

New centers of Agency of Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection

The Agency of Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic (AOPK) which has an all-republic competency, will establish four new centers in last year of this year in those regional towns in which they have not had own workplaces yet. Concretely it is dealt with centers Zlín, Liberec, Hradec Králové and Karlovy Vary. Centers Zlín and Liberec started their activities on the 3rd October, 2005, the remaining two will start in a month later. The division of AOPK´s competency copying the segmentation of the Czech Republic according to regions will streamline the activity of this organization. It will enable to workers of particular centers a closer cooperation with regional offices and will bring an improvement of the state administration in the given regions.


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