Summary of newsmakers of the previous day – 14.4.2008

UMA: Reform of agriculture can be positive

The Union of Marginal Areas (UMA) welcomes a new reform of agricultural policy which was introduced by the Minister of Agriculture Petr Gandalovič. It will not concentrate only on the production like in the past and will place emphasis on the care of landscape. According to a chairman of UMA Milan Boleslav the vision introduced by the Minister of Agriculture and mainly its message to entrepreneurs is important because entrepreneurs need information on which area they should concentrate to be able to adapt their steps to a public order in advance.

It is necessary to proceed against expensive foods

According to a president of the World Bank Rober Zoellick and the British premier Gordon Brown the problem of significantly growing prices of foods has to get in a center of consideration of politic tops in each country. Representatives of world countries called on a soon intervention to suppress fast growth of food prices in the world. Ministers responsible for development warned against social riots at a meeting of Committee for World Bank Development. They can start to spread farther in the world if costs for basic foods are not successfully kept under control.


All what an interested person, who wants to begin to enterprise in ecological agriculture, needs to know. Every new interested person who decided to start to enterprise in ecological agriculture as a bio-farmer, a bio-food producer, a bio-food tradesman, a bio-feed producer, a bio-seed and bio-seedling supplier as well as bio-bee-keeper has to ask for a registration at the Ministry of Agriculture CR.

Ministry of Environment prepares set of measures to improve air quality

The European Union approved an instruction on air quality today in Luxembourg. It determines stricter limits for fine dust elements the most dangerous for human health. The Ministry of Environment is preparing a law on air protection and other measures especially in area of transport and household heating already from the last year. It should lead to improvement of the air and to an achievement of newly set limits. The new instruction sets norms and aims for reduction of concentration of fine dust elements smaller than 2,5 micrometer (PM 2,5).


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