Summary of newspapers of the previous day - 2.5.2024

We must support a consumption of organic food, some organizations appeal

Organic farming should occupy 25% of agricultural land in the EU by 2030 - at least that's the goal the EU agreed on some time ago. However, there are now fears that the EU will not meet its plans by the end of the decade due to a low consumption.

A damage to seedlings of forest trees by spring frosts in forest nurseries is the highest in the last decade

Damages caused by spring frosts on the planting material of forest trees for a restoration of forest stands in the Czech Republic after this spring is estimated to reach approximately 0.5 billion crowns. Fatal frost damages were caused especially on new seedlings of deciduous trees.

ASZ ČR negotiated not only about an innovative grazing project with the Institute of Animal Production

The Private Farmers Association of the Czech Republic (ASZ ČR) places considerable emphasis on a creation of realistic and clearly formulated proposals for an improvement of domestic agrarian policy.

Twelve hectares of forest were on fire in Pelhřimov region, a helicopter was dropping water from the air

12 hectares of forest burned at Horní Cerekev in Pelhřimov region in the afternoon, the third degree of fire alarm was announced. 13 units of professional and volunteer firefighters, including the air service, intervened on the spot.


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