Summary of newspapers of the previous day - 16. 4. 2024

Nomination for Regional Food: Bread, kacha, smoked meat, beer, and pea sprouts

18 local producers with 78 products applied for the 15th annual regional competition to obtain the prestigious mark Regional Food of the region Karlovy Vary.

The Slovak company wants 220 million from Lesy ČR for undelivered wood, the company refuses it

The District Court in Hradec Králové started hearing a lawsuit filed by a Slovak company Drevoindustria Smolenice against the state enterprise Lesy České republiky (LČR) for 224 million crowns today. The company demands them as a contractual penalty and compensation for a lost profit for undelivered wood during the bark beetle calamity. It also requests a delivery of the wood.

Spruce will not disappear from Czech forests, on the contrary, the future of beech is uncertain, an expert opines

When creating a new forest, serious consideration needs to be given to whether the tree species that foresters are planting now will survive in the future.

Denmark will subsidize a feed additive that reduces methane emissions from cows

In an effort to meet its ambitious climate goals, Denmark will subsidize farmers with a special feed additive that reduces methane emissions from livestock by up to 30 percent. This was reported by the Reuters agency today with reference to the statement of the government in Copenhagen.


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