Summary of newspapers of the previous day - 8. 4. 2024

A share of habitats of bee colonies without varroasis increased year-on-year this year

A share of habitats of bee colonies in which there were no mites causing the disease varroasis increased from last year´s 17 to 20 percent this year. This follows from a regular monitoring of the State Veterinary Administration (SVA), results of which are available to ČTK.

Fishermen in southern Bohemia artificially spawn pike in hatcheries

Fishermen near Třeboň began preparing millions of young pike for Czech ponds and abroad. In nature, losses of these predators are enormous. Only two percent of the young survive. Therefore fishermen in the south of Bohemia artificially spawn pike in hatcheries. They were able to start earlier than usual this year thanks to the weather.

Interest in exotic animals is growing in the Czech Republic, and the number of smuggled animals is also increasing

According to experts, an interest in exotic animals is growing in the Czech Republic. People keep big cats, monkeys, poisonous snakes, lizards, and rare parrots. However, with the increased interest of breeders, the illegal market is also growing. Customs officers from Ruzyň in Prague recorded 84 cases of smuggling of exotic animals last year, by five more than last year, Hana Prudičová, a spokeswoman for the General Directorate of Customs said.

Subsidies for a tractor? Farmers get almost nothing in the Czech Republic, Martin Rada says

A Czech company Agrotec Group supplies almost everything that moves to three European markets. From tractors to combine harvesters to excavators and trucks, cars are no exception. A general director Martin Rada, who has worked for the company for more than 30 years, explains in a podcast Industrial not only what administration burdens farmers, but also what "precision agriculture" is and how artificial intelligence helps farmers.


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