Summary of newspapers of the previous day – 7.12. 2020

Institute: This year´s hop crop decreased by 17 per cents to 5925 tonnes

This year´s hop crop was average and against last year it decreased by 17 per cents to 5925 tonnes of “green Gold”. A press agent of the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture (CISTA) Ivana Kršková said it to ČTK.

Specialists recommend simplification of food indication. MoA is against

Nutrition specialists propose to introduce a simpler indication of food by means of so called Nutri-Score system. It marks foods on the front side of package with letters A to D and colours from green, though yellow to red. Specialists hope that it will help people to easily choose healthier foods and at the same time it will create a press on producers to change food composition.

Sale of Christmas tree has started. What to do to make our tree last as long as possible

With the beginning of December, a sale of Christmas tree started on many places. When choosing them, it is true that whoever comes first has a better choice. However, than it is necessary to be able to také care of the tree properly so that it will stay in good condition until Christmas Day.

Agricultural collective negotiation continues without agreement for present

Agricultural trade unionists have not agreed with employers on wage growth in the next year yet. A chairman of the biggest employer Agricultural Union of the CR Martin Pýcha said it to ČTK after today´s negotiation. Entrepreneurs propose an increase of the lowest wage tariff by four per cents and other two tariffs by 3.5 per cents, that trade unions refused.


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