Summary of newspapers of the previous days - 4. – 6.12.2020

Family brewery Bernard continues with spirit, this time ALE from different beer

A success of the first limited edition of a spirit from lager that was sold out in e-shop in one week was an inspiration for Rodinný pivovar Bernard (family brewery) for continuation. This time it distilled top-fermented yeast beer Bernard Bohemian Ale.

Carp sellers have several last days for registration, veterinarians points out

Veterinarians notify carp sellers that they have the last two days for registration. They have to do this no later than one week before the start of sales. A press agent of the State Veterinary Administration (SVA) Petrr Vorlíček said it on Friday.

To limit meat consumption due to climate? European Commission promote high consumption of beef meat at the same time

An advertising spot which is the current act of a campaign largely funded by the European Commission will certainly not fit into the dull average. It encourages viewers to become beeftarians, i.e. beef eaters. Of course, the one from European markets.

According to research, Czech Republic will be suitable for truffle growing

The Central Europe in relation to climatic change will become more suitable for truffle growing. South Europe where these underground mushrooms searched by gourmands grows will be too hot for their growth. It results from research of Czech and foreign scientists, Miroslav Trnka from the project InterSucho said to ČTK.


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